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objects comprising of eight unique collections

The Khalili Collections

Over the course of five decades, Professor Sir Nasser D. Khalili has assembled eight of the world's finest art collections - each on its own merit being the largest and most comprehensive of its kind. Together, the Eight Collections comprise some 35,000 magnificent works, many of which have been exhibited at prestigious institutions worldwide.

With over one hundred and twenty publications, each work of art in the Khalili Collections has been meticulously conserved, researched, catalogued and as part of what is considered to be one of the most ambitious art scholarship projects in modern history. Over eighty eight volumes have already been published, edited by Professor Sir Nasser D. Khalili and with contributions from the world's leading experts in each respective field.

Islamic Art

(700 – 2000)

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Hajj & The Arts of Pilgrimage

(353 – 324 BC)

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Aramaic Documents

(353 – 324 BC)

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Japanese Art of the Meiji Period

(1868 – 1912)

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Japanese Kimono

(1700 – 2000)

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Spanish Damascene Metalwork

(1850 – 1900)

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Swedish Textiles

(1700 – 1900)

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Enamels of the World

(1700 – 2000)

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The Art of Peace by Sir David Khalili

In 1970, while studying in New York, a young Iranian began collecting works of art. Today, his 8 collections comprise around 35,000 objects and 100 publications, which have been exhibited in 126 leading museums and institutions around the world. This is the collector’s story.

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The Khalili Collections in Numbers

Islamic Art
Hajj & The Arts of Pilgrimage
Japanese Art of the Meiji Period
Japanese Kimono
Enamels of the World
Swedish Textiles
Spanish Damascene Metalworks
Aramaic Documents



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Celestial Connections

20 February 2025

Featured Publications

A Compendium of Chronicles: Rashid al-Din’s illustrated history of the world

The Collection contains the largest and most comprehensive range of Qur’anic material in private hands. This, the first of four volumes devoted to the subject…

Hajj and The Arts of Pilgrimage – Volume VI

Focusing on pilgrimage to Mecca and the arts associated with it, the Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage Collection is the largest and the most important of its kind…

Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria (Fourth Century BCE.)

This is the first publication of a group of 30 documents on leather in Official Aramaic, dating to the 4th century bc and reflecting the practice of the…

MEIJI NO TAKARA – Treasures of Imperial Japan; Enamel

Japanese cloisonné enamels were a technical triumph of the Meiji (1868-1912) and Taisho (1912-1926) periods, and the 107 examples reproduced in this…


The Khalili Collection of kimono, which comprises more than 200 garments and spans 300 years of Japanese textile artistry, brilliantly conveys the remarkable creativity of…

Swedish Textile Art – Traditional Marriage Weavings from Scania

Swedish Textile Art is the first book for more than a decade to present some of the best examples of textile art from southern Sweden, small panels that were mostly…

Enamels of the World – 1700-2000

This volume presents over 300 pieces from the ‘Enamels of the World 1700–2000’ collection, the most comprehensive private collection known dedicated to this unique art form.


Alongside the yearly Hajj pilgrimage on the 17th of July, we are privileged to announce a new, innovative website showcasing a wide selection of artworks and documents which will take you on a fascinating journey to the heart of Islam.

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126 Exhibitions worldwide to date

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