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ascribed to Aqa Baqir and Mirza Baba Shaykh San‘an and the Christian maiden, from an album of 47 paintings

MSS 1095, folio 6a | Iran | late 18th or early 19th century

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Artwork Details

Title: ascribed to Aqa Baqir and Mirza Baba Shaykh San‘an and the Christian maiden, from an album of 47 paintings

Date: late 18th or early 19th century

Location: Iran

Dimensions: 19.8 x 31.8 cm

Accession Number: MSS 1095, folio 6a

Other Notes: paintings signed or attributed to Mirza Baba and Aqa Baqir

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ascribed to Aqa Baqir and Mirza Baba Shaykh San‘an and the Christian maiden, from an album of 47 paintings | MSS 1095, folio 6a
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