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Bowl with Addorsed Birds

POT 1749 | Syria | late 12th century AD

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Artwork Details

Title: Bowl with Addorsed Birds

Date: late 12th century AD

Location: Syria

Materials: stonepaste, painted in olive-brown lustre over a transparent glaze (‘Tell Minis’ ware)

Dimensions: 7.2 x 23cm

Accession Number: POT 1749

Other Notes:

The bowl, which is in excellent condition, has flaring sides and a slightly everted rim, and is finely potted. The centre has addorsed birds with a foliate spray between them. The details are incised in the lustre, somewhat in the manner of Fatimid pottery bearing the name Sa‘d. The sides have a pseudo-Kufic inscription of repeating letter forms with swags and curlicues below it.

The exterior has two inscriptions. One consists of a single word, probably khass (‘private’). The second appears to be a signature, ‘from the work of Ibn al-Hatif (?)’.

[For ‘Tell Minis’ ware, see POT 1748].


J.M. Rogers, The Arts of Islam. Masterpieces from the Khalili Collection, London 2010, cat.140, p.120.

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Bowl with Addorsed Birds | POT 1749
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