Title: Narrow-necked Flask
Date: later 15th or early 16th century
Location: Iran
Materials: stonepaste ware, painted black under a transparent turquoise glaze
Dimensions: 35.5cm (height)
Accession Number: POT 1320
Other Notes:
This magnificent pear-shaped flask, which has few contemporary parallels, is striking both for its size and its decoration. Its shape and the individual elements of the design owe their inspiration to Chinese porcelains of the Yuan or early Ming dynasty. However, the layout of the decorative elements – paired birds and cloud scrolls that cover the entire surface without interruption – demonstrates the increasing proficiency of Iranian potters and their mastery of their profession.
J.M. Rogers, The Arts of Islam. Masterpieces from the Khalili Collection, London 2010, cat.237, pp.196–7.
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Small Flask | JLY 1075
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