Title: Carriage Cushion Cover (Two Reindeer in Octagons with People)
Date: first half of the 19th century
Location: Sweden, Scania, Ingelstads or Herrestads district
Materials: interlocked tapestry
Dimensions: 52 x 105 cm
Accession Number: SW 32
Other Notes:
The reindeer tapestries, which are illustrated here horizontally, were woven vertically: the weaver of this example mirrored the composition half way through the weaving. The general scheme of this particularly fine cover is typical of tapestries from south-east Scania, although the surrounding border with a standing figure in each square is unusual. The hearts around each octagon remind us that this cover was made initially for a wedding.
V. Hansen, Swedish Textile Art: Traditional Marriage Weavings from Scania: The Khalili Collection, London 1996, cat. 20, pp.65–7.
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