Title: Seat Cushion Covers (Octagons and Stars with 'S' Borders)
Date: circa 1800
Location: Sweden, North-east Scania, Gärds or Villands district
Materials: interlocked tapestry
Dimensions: SW 2 (a) 53 x 45.2 cm SW 2 (b) 53 x 47 cm
Accession Number: SW 2
Other Notes:
These two covers are exceptional for their beautiful soft colours and fine proportions, imparting an effect that is more spontaneous than contrived. As in SW 30, to find a pair made for the same dowry is remarkably rare. Sixty-eight textiles in Swedish collections, including seat cushions, carriage cushions and bed covers, share this design (see SW 28 and SW 21). These seat cushions contain some of the most traditional details, such as trees, eight-pointed stars and an ‘S’ border.
V. Hansen, Swedish Textile Art: Traditional Marriage Weavings from Scania: The Khalili Collection, London 1996, cat. 50, pp. 133–5.
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Seat Cushion Covers (Octagons and Stars with 'S' Borders) | SW 2
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